Research assistant at the Centre for Educational Development preparing for a PhD fellowship


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

We seek a research assistant for a one-year position, primarily focused on preparing for and, if possible, progressing into a 3-year PhD fellowship with a topic concerning applied research in learning technologies and digitalization of higher education.

What is the job? About the position as research assistant at CED

CED intends to contribute to the research-based development of learning technologies and research-based insights in the digitalization of higher education. Our field of research is still under construction and it can, therefore, be difficult to start as a PhD fellow and succeed without a longer start-up phase. In consequence, we offer a one-year position as research assistant to allow time to work your way into the field and fine-tune a PhD-project description, before potential enrolment at a relevant PhD School at Aarhus University.

Your research project must concern (learning) technologies at university level, be grounded in a relevant well-established theoretical framework, and use quantitative or mixed methods. It can concern students or teachers or programmes and curricula.

Main supervisor is associate professor Christopher Neil Prilop.

What are the tasks? About your responsibilities as a research assistant at CED

Your primary tasks during the 1-year position as a research assistant are

Research (50%)

  • Contribute to your main supervisor’s current research
  • design, collect data and contribute to analyses of a smaller pilot study pre-PhD
  • Participate as a co-author on a research paper with colleagues from CED
  • Prepare a potential enrolment at a relevant PhD School with your main supervisor, including writing a project proposal and connected qualifying activities, like quite a lot of paperwork
Development and operation (40%)
  • Contribute to the project called Digitally Competent Candidates (DKK) with colleagues from CED (20%)
  • Join the editorial team behind AU Educate (20%)
Administration and meetings and such (10%)
In addition, to a lesser extent, you can participate in other tasks in the centre by specific agreement if your time schedule permits.


Who are you? About your qualifications and competence

You have
  • Completed an academic degree on candidate or master level, for example IT Didaktisk Design or other relevant programmes.
  • Published an academic text in the form of a paper, report, or book chapter.
  • Experience in teaching at workshops for university staff.
  • Worked in an editorial team.

You can
  • Write academically in Danish and English.
  • Contribute to complex development projects that include technologies and digitalisation at university level.

About the Centre for Educational Development (CED) at Aarhus University

The mission of CED is to inspire engaging teaching and excellent educations at Aarhus University. We offer teachers, academic staff, coordinators, directors, and executives at Aarhus University practical partnership, collaboration, and help concerning their ongoing teaching tasks and competencies. Furthermore, we ambitiously strive for the highest international level through applied research in university teaching and learning. We contribute to development projects and experiments in the fields of digitalization and learning technologies in higher education, university teaching, and program development.

CED employs almost 60 colleagues organized into three departments specialized in digital development, teaching development, and program development, respectively, plus a small administration. We have a good collegial atmosphere characterized by a high degree of collaboration and continuous professional development. We value inquiry, co-creation, empowerment, and expertise.

The research group at CED works within and across the three departments. The group comprises five associate professors, three postdocs, and three PhD-students. The group focus on high quality applied research. The current topics of interest in the group include student learning, transitions and career, teacher development and educational leadership, health sciences education research, digitalization and learning technology in higher education. We come from a wide range of research methods and theoretical frameworks.

You can read more about CED at

Terms and place of employment

The position is full-time (37 hours per week) and limited to 1 year after employment. By mutual agreement, the one-year position can result in a 3-year PhD scholarship from CED, subject to enrolment.

The candidate for the job should expect to start 1 December 2023 or as soon as possible.

Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Ministerial Order
on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

The appointment is in accordance with the Danish Confederation of Professional
Associations (Akademikerne).

Further information on qualification requirements and job description can be found in
the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.

The successful applicant will refer to the department manager of the Department of Digital Development at CED.

Place of employment is Trøjborgvej 88, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

The hiring process

In connection with your motivated written application, you must attach the following:
  • CV
  • Documentation for the candidate or master degree
  • Example of an academic text with you as (co-)author in Danish or English
  • Description of your experiences with teaching, editorial work, and development projects.                                                                                        
Applications must be submitted in English.

We use shortlisting in the hiring process. In this shortlisting process, the department lead and the scientific assessor exclude applicants that clearly do not match the position. Only shortlisted applicants receive a full assessment. After the shortlisting process, a scientific assessor gives a written summary concerning each of the shortlisted applicants. Based on these summaries of qualifications, an employment committee of future colleagues and the department lead invites the best applicants for an interview.

Interviews will be held in week 41.

Aarhus Universitet vil være en attraktiv og inspirerende arbejdsplads for alle og ønsker en kultur, hvor hver enkelt kan udfolde og udvikle sig. Vi ser ligestilling og diversitet som en styrke og opfordrer derfor alle interesserede til at ansøge.

Ansøgning sendes via Aarhus Universitets rekrutteringssystem, som kan tilgås under stillingsopslaget på Aarhus Universitets hjemmeside.

Om Aarhus Universitet

Aarhus Universitet er et fagligt bredt og forskningsintensivt universitet med høj kvalitet i uddannelse og forskning, og et stærkt engagement i samfundsudviklingen nationalt og globalt. Universitetet tilbyder et inspirerende uddannelses- og forskningsmiljø for 38.000 studerende og 8.300 medarbejdere med en årlig omsætning på 7,0 mia. kr. Læs mere på


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Aarhus Universitet, Trøjborgvej 82 - 84, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 10-09-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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